This spring Pontone Gallery exhibits at the prestigious Expo Chicago art fair. The gallery showcases a selection of its international artists, who range across the fields of painting, photography and sculpture. Common to all is a deep immersion in and mastery of their chosen practice. These artists are concerned with making pieces that seduce and intrigue the eye. They deploy a profound and mature understanding of process to fully express their ideas.
Throughout April Pontone Gallery will be running a parallel exhibition featuring these artists at its London space in Fitzrovia, minutes from Mayfair and the West End.
This spring Pontone Gallery exhibits at the prestigious Expo Chicago art fair. The gallery showcases a selection of its international artists, who range across the fields of painting, photography and sculpture. Common to all is a deep immersion in and mastery of their chosen practice. These artists are concerned with making pieces that seduce and intrigue the eye. They deploy a profound and mature understanding of process to fully express their ideas.
Matteo Massagrande is a critically acclaimed Italian painter. He creates images of atmospheric architectural vistas and emotionally significant landscapes. Steeped in the classical tradition, he brings a great depth of art historical reference to his work. Second to none in his skilful use of representational technique, his pictures conjure up complex and compelling illusions of haunting spaces.
Korean sculptor, Hwang Seontae, makes lightboxes. Constructed from etched glass and concealed LED lighting, these are meticulously crafted images of still contemplation. We are shown crisply delineated and subtly illuminated scenes of domestic interiors. They have the quality of stage sets, ready for action, anticipating human presence.
Lee Jeonglok is a Korean artist who works with photography to make beautiful images of mystical events in elemental landscapes. An expert in the manipulation of his medium, he uses sophisticated time-lapse techniques and long exposures to stage dramatic and haunting interventions. In these new pieces this action takes place in the wild and sublime topography of Iceland.
Englishman Chris Rivers makes powerfully gestural oil paintings in a contemporary, Romantic idiom. His subjects range from the churning voids of outer space to lush and sumptuous flower still lifes. His flamboyant and expressive handling draws the viewer into an exciting world of turbulent expression.
Throughout April Pontone Gallery will be running a parallel exhibition featuring these artists at its new London space in Fitzrovia, minutes from Mayfair and the West End.
Chris Rivers, Somewhere Between The Sea and The Sky, 2022
Chris Rivers, Satellites 3, 2022
Fading Roses and the Bright Stars, 2021Chris RiversOil on linen150 x 140 cm
59.1 x 55.1 in -
Angels are Astronauts - Mercury, 2021Chris RiversOil on canvas180 x 170 cm
70.9 x 66.9 in -
Chris Rivers, This Was Once a Pretty Landscape 2, 2021
Headspace 2, 2021Chris RiversOil on canvas150 x 150 cm
59 x 59 in -
The Space with Sunshine, 2021Hwang SeontaeTempered Glass, Sandblast & LED Backlit87 x 202 x 4 cm
34.5 x 79.5 x 1.5 in -
The Space with Sunshine, 2020Hwang SeontaeTempered Glass, Sandblast & LED Backlit62 x 218 x 4 cm
24.5 x 86 x 1.5 in -
Il cortile del manicomio, 2021Matteo MassagrandeOil and mixed media on board150 x 150 cm
59.1 x 59.1 in -
Matteo Massagrande, La vigna nell'orto, 2020
Melo d'inverno, 2019Matteo MassagrandeOil and mixed media on board150 x 150 cm
59.1 x 59.1 in -
Ulivi, lavanda, timo, 2020Matteo MassagrandeOil and mixed media on board150 x 150 cm
59.1 x 59.1 in -
L'angolo del giardino, 2020Matteo MassagrandeOil and mixed media on canvas on board150 x 150 cm
59.1 x 59.1 in -
Amsterdam, 2020Matteo MassagrandeOil and mixed media on canvas on board150 x 150 cm
59.1 x 59.1 in -
Vetrata sul cortile, 2021Matteo MassagrandeOil and mixed media on board40 x 80 cm
15.8 x 31.5 in -
Nevicata, 2021Matteo MassagrandeOil and mixed media on board35 x 60 cm
13.8 x 23.6 in -
Matteo Massagrande, Mare lontano, 2021
Il sole di mezzodì, 2021Matteo MassagrandeOil and mixed media on board70 x 80 cm
27.6 x 31.5 in -
La luna di febbraio, 2020Matteo MassagrandeOil and mixed media on board44 x 30 cm
17.3 x 11.8 in -
Corfù, 2021Matteo MassagrandeOil and mixed media on board40 x 80 cm
15.8 x 31.5 in -
Matteo Massagrande, Primo sole, 2020
Iceland 08, 2019Lee JeonglokC-Type Print90 x 120 cm
35.4 x 47.2 in -
Iceland 02, 2019Lee JeonglokC-Type Print120 x 90 cm
47.2 x 35.4 in -
Nabi 26 (ed 1/5), 2015Lee JeonglokC-Type Print110 x 220 cm
43.31 x 86.61 in